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20 Takeaways from 2020

As 2020 comes to a close, I can’t help but reflect on the year we’ve had. Through any hardships this year, I hope you found the positives. The only thing I can thank 2020 for is for forcing us to take a step back and look at life with a new perspective. I put together this list of takeaways from 2020 to document this crazy year… 


  1. We are physically, mentally, and emotionally strong. You can do anything!  
  2. Time is precious. Time with loved ones, time in the office or school, time at the gym… 
  3. The little things in life are big things. Like toilet paper.  
  4. Time with family and friends should never be taken for granted. Tell people that you love them and do things for others when you can.
  5. Supporting small businesses is important. Every like, comment, share, order, or appointment is greatly appreciated. Support local and shop small!  
  6. It’s good to have a hobby. Find things that make you happy!
  7. Home projects can be fun. Especially when the whole family is involved!
  8. Call your loved ones. Even just to check in or say “hi”. 
  9. Banana bread is easier to make than we thought. Were you even in 2020 if you didn’t bake for fun? 
  10. What did we do before Facetime and Zoom? Thank goodness for technology. 
  11. Take lots and lots of photos. Schedule with Elaine Gates Photography to capture monumental memories this year!
  12. Going on a walk outdoors is medicine.
  13. Always be kind. Being mean doesn’t get you anywhere. 
  14. Invest in a comfy couch, blankets, and pajamas. “Home sweet home” had a whole new meaning this year! 
  15. When you can travel, travel. Adventures and life-long memories are priceless.
  16. Quality time is the best time. Put the phones away and be present.    
  17. Be creative. Anything can happen with a little imagination. 
  18. It’s good to give yourself a break. You deserve it. 
  19. It’s not about what you have in life, but who you have by your side.
  20. There’s always something to look forward to!  


Be good to us, 2021. 


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