Payback child…
When you were young, did you mom ever say to you, i hope you have a daughter just like you? you know what i am talking about, you were being bad, driving her nuts and she just at that moment wanted you to know what you were putting her thru, well Matt and i definitely have our selves in our girls, Gabby is all me, she is a handful, she loves being around people, needs to be the center of attention, loves to be loved, she even some days exclaims” i need attention” mind you i have stayed home with that lil girl every day of her LIFE! how much more attention could she need, she was so upset when Alyssa woke up early this morning because “she didn’t get enough love this morning” UNREAL… i remember as a child thinking, i wish i was an only child just so i can have all of my moms attention to myself… and my lil Alyssa, oh she is Matt, i think she looks like him, she cleans up all the time, she is so chill and laid back, and just a pleasure to be around… For all of you out there with no babies, just think back to growing up… paybacks!
These are the pics from Boiling Springs this morning…
I couldnt get us all in the frame… OOPS!
Don’t you LOVE the expression on Gabby’s Face, that is so HER!