A word from the 2020 Senior Ambassadors…
Ella Cressler
Ella, from Cumberland Valley High School, plans to attend Penn State University Park this fall to study Middle Level Education.
Her word of advice to incoming seniors is to “enjoy every moment and to not wish it away. It goes by very fast so make the most of it!”
Ella would describe her style as casual and modern!
“I’m really happy I was able to be one of Elaine Gates senior ambassadors. It was a great opportunity and she’s such an amazing photographer! I enjoyed all the photo shoots and it was a really fun time!”
Devon Anastasio
Devon will graduate from Trinity High School this May! In the fall, she plans to attend a 4-year undergraduate program in Communications, while also playing soccer and having the opportunity to study abroad at whatever school she makes her final decision at! Go Devon go!
She would advise incoming seniors to “TAKE ADVANTAGE OF EVERYTHING!!!! Be grateful for the opportunities you will be able to be a part of in this final year of high school. You do not want to regret the things you didn’t do! Also, have fun and know that there are so many people available to help you, but know that every decision you make needs to be decided by you and for you!”
A word about her style, “My style is based so much on how I feel and how I want to feel the rest of the day. I love to be comfortable and have my outfits to be practical, but I love to accessorize! Throwing in some fun earrings, a detailed belt, a stylish jacket, or a pair of super chic shoes can transform any outfit of mine to something I love!”
“Being an Elaine Gates Photography ambassador has been a great experience! Elaine creates an awesome, fun, and comfortable environment for everyone in front of the camera! It also has been a great opportunity to extend my friend group by introducing and meeting a lot of new girls in the same location as me that I would have never met otherwise!”
Emilie Delaye
Emilie, from Camp Hill, plans on attending a 4-year college that offers an abroad program to study in France for a year. She plans to study Communications or Entrepreneurship to help prepare herself to enter the Peace Corps.
She would advise incoming seniors to “try all possible internships or opportunities that allow you to explore different sectors of study to find out what you want to do.”
Her personal style is a “mix of everything!” But, she is really into earthy tones and neutrals at the moment. Love that, Emilie!
“Being an Elaine Gates Photography ambassador is an amazing experience that allowed me to make so many friends from other schools. It also boosted my confidence and taught me to feel good about how I look.”
Rileigh Cardin
Rileigh will graduate from Carlisle High School this Spring and attend East Carolina University in the fall! She will compete in pole vault on the track and field team, and major in business and entrepreneurship! Congrats, Rileigh!
Her word of advice to incoming seniors is to “make the most you can out of this last year, because it goes by faster than any other year of highschool did.”
Her style is really casual most of the time. She likes baggy jeans and big sweatshirts, but every now and then loves to dress up in something that makes her feel really good.
“My experience as an ambassador was a blast. Meeting all the girls was my favorite part, and Elaine is the sweetest, and picks the best photo locations. Also, your insta feed will be better than ever with the pics!”
Olivia Anderson
Olivia, from Mechanicsburg High School, plans to attend Penn State University in the fall and she’s interested in studying Health Sciences.
Her advice for incoming seniors is to “expect that you’re going be more emotional this year but to just enjoy it all & not stress so much.” So true, Olivia!
Her style is laid back and comfortable but also trendy.
“My experience as an Elaine Gates ambassador was fantastic. Elaine’s great at making you feel at ease and not awkward, and really makes it a lot of fun!”
Cassidy Lenker
Cassidy will graduate from Mechanicsburg High School this May and she’s planning to attend Florida State University in the fall on scholarship with the Navy to major in Nursing! You go girl!
Her advice to incoming seniors is to “Have fun! Cherish the memories you’ll be making with your friends but don’t get too caught up in all of the “last times” – just enjoy the moment! Focus on school, don’t lose track, and don’t get senioritis too early.”
Her style is trendy and simplistic! “I like to wear a pretty simple outfit with one element that pops or is out of my comfort zone.”
I loved working with Elaine Gates! She has an amazing talent and she is the most genuine person. She’s always super sweet to all of us and made us feel at home! It makes everything so much more natural when you’re comfortable with who you’re shooting with!”
Kayla Michaels
Kayla, from Northern High School, is planning on going to Millersville University to continue her academic and athletic career. She will be playing Division 2 field hockey. Congrats, Kayla!
Her advice to incoming seniors is to not rush your senior year and make the most of it. She says, “Have fun if you play any sports and don’t get into any drama with anyone cause it only makes you have a bad experience.” So true, girl!
Her style is best described as ripped jeans and a nice top. She also likes wearing flannels. “I like any style, I’ll wear anything that I can pull off lol.”
“I loved working with Elaine, she knows what she’s doing and takes beautiful pictures! She’s young so she knows all the trends and she has a good sense of style.”
Sydney Gelnett
Sydney, from Mechanicsburg High School, plans to attend college this fall and major in Education! She’s really excited to meet new friends and to be in a whole different environment!
Her advice to incoming seniors is to “enjoy every opportunity you get, because it all goes by so fast. It may seem like you need to have it all figured out, but everything works out so enjoy it while you can!”
Her style is modern and trendy! But, she is always willing to try something new every once and awhile.
“I loved being a part of Elaine’s ambassador team. I got to meet some new people and get to experience different types of photoshoots. She is always willing to try new things or be able to hear some new ideas from her girls and that’s what I personally found to be the most enjoyable.”
If you are interested in being an ambassador for the 2021 school year, email jordmhaas@gmail.com with the subject line “EGP Ambassador.”