The Best Poses for Family Portraits
It’s family portrait season! During the holiday season (Late October-December) my calendar fills up with sweet families getting together to get that perfect picture to send out, post, or print. Family photos can come with a lot of pressure especially when you have outfits to plan, hair to fix, and kids to entertain! It can…
Continue Reading{Dever & Rich}
Dever and Rich met by chance on a dating app while the world was shut down during Covid. Rich is from Pittsburgh but had been staying at his families cabin at Raystown Lake and expanded his radius on the dating site to include State College. Dever was finishing her PHD at Penn State at the…
Continue Reading{Molly & Carlos}

Molly and Carlos had planned an out of town wedding at the beautiful Inn at Leola Village. They had a catholic ceremony and then headed to the village to take portraits with their family and bridal party. Molly chose shades of pink for her bridesmaids. One of my favorite things was that Molly wore her…
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