Tips for Looking Natural in Photos
Tips for Looking Natural in Photos
How do those Instagram girls do it? They’re laughing, posing, looking like they’re having
a great time, and seem so natural while they do it. And guess what? You can do it, too. It’s not
as hard as you think. So, when the camera is in your face and the pressure is on, remember
these tips:
Be confident! When you are confident, it shows. You are beautiful and unique and you
should believe it! You don’t have a bad side. The pictures are going to look amazing. Drill this
into your brain! Once you grasp this, you’ll own the camera. Strike a pose while you’re at it.
Move around! You’re the center of attention, have fun with it! Spin around, walk towards
the camera, laugh at yourself… It’s all normal in the photography world. If you’re having fun
during your shoot, it’s going to show in the proofs!
Be yourself! This means dressing the part. Wear something you would wear on a day to
day basis. No need to break out the prom dress for some pictures that are meant to capture
your life. Plus, if you’re wearing the 6 inch heels that you don’t even like, then you’re going to
look uncomfortable. Besides, being yourself is the prettiest and best you can be. Easy enough,
Be creative! If you’re not the person who loves straight-on cliche photos or basic
standing shots, be creative! Bring in example photos of shots you like and Elaine will make it
happen! Like I mentioned before, this shoot is supposed to be all about you. So let your style
Let’s schedule that photoshoot ASAP because you are READY! So now you can relax, pick
some outfits, show up, and own the camera! Can’t wait to see what you and Elaine Gates