
Check out my recent work.




Becky and i met at Messiah on Friday to take pics and let the kids play, we were trying to take a picture like this of Ben, it seemed like it fit him so well, he is obsessed with trains and construction vehicles and he comes from the most musical family, both parents are music teachers and play ever instrument…i saw it online like 4 months ago but they have been out sick for what seems like forever… Glad to have you all back…

The interesting part of this was my kids were playing while i was taking pics, and Alyssa was covered in black and Gabby and Ben were throwing rocks into the stream below, i am surprised no one ended up in the ER… i need to look at the pics of my kids, from then. I wanted to take a pic of my girls there that day, so i put them both in white shirts, smart move huh? Gabby wanted to take a group bath with Alyssa, Ellie & Ben… she is such a twirp!


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