Archive for January, 2008




So I’m totally addicted to photo editing on photoshop, thanks to Jen… look at these pics of Alyssa! She is such a doll, the 1st one is the original, the next 2 are neat edits…

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We went over Jen’s house yesterday and the kids were playing in their basement… they were playing in the dog crate and the next thing we knew they had the crate full with toys and stuffed animals and Gabby, Finn & Reese were all in the crate… Gabriella loves Reese… Its almost to the point…

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Here is a great example of how i am losing my mind! I told Gabby, you need to play by yourself so i can fold some laundry, good idea right? not so much I spend 30 mins folding a million little Alyssa clothes, i take one load up to put away then i come down…

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When is that one going to grow up…

Kids notice everything…. This morning before preschool Gabby and i are running around like crazy getting dressed, she came in as i was putting on my camisole and she says ” why is that one little and the other big (talking about my boobs, but please know, neither are what you would classify as big)…

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