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When is that one going to grow up…

Kids notice everything…. This morning before preschool Gabby and i are running around like crazy getting dressed, she came in as i was putting on my camisole and she says ” why is that one little and the other big (talking about my boobs, but please know, neither are what you would classify as big) , “when is that one going to grow up. ” What??? how do i explain that one is still in breastfeeding mode and the other is all dried up??? thats a hard concept to get, so i just said… im not sure and left it at that…


3 Responses

  1. reesebalt says:

    That is so funny.

  2. Patti says:

    Only gabby……………….

  3. src1947 says:

    Elaine….here’s a good answer…
    heck if I know!!!!!
    Aunt Donna

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